History and Background

Tales from West 57th Avenue:
The Pear­son Res­i­dents Writ­ing Project

Over the last 10 years, the Com­mu­nity and Res­i­dents Men­tors Asso­ci­a­tion (CARMA) has been work­ing with the res­i­dents of George Pear­son Cen­tre to help them to reach their goals. CARMA men­tors are for­mer res­i­dents of Pear­son Cen­tre who wanted to stay con­nected to the peo­ple they left behind when they them­selves moved into the com­mu­nity. CARMA men­tors help res­i­dents to make goals, both big and small, and then sup­port them to real­ize those goals. Some­times the goal is to leave Pear­son and some­times it is to stay and feel good about being there.

One of the strate­gies that CARMA uses to encour­age Pear­son res­i­dents to hope and to dream is by find­ing ways to build bridges to the world out­side. Tales from West 57th Avenue: The Pear­son Res­i­dents Writ­ing Project is one of those bridges. Assisted by stu­dents from the neigh­bour­ing Sir Winston Churchill High School, Pear­son res­i­dents spent many months over the spring and sum­mer of 2005 craft­ing their sto­ries, poems and biogra­phies. It took time because many peo­ple didn’t think that they had a story to tell and oth­ers needed the assis­tance of let­ter boards or lite writ­ers to tap their sto­ries out.

What you will find on the story pages of this web­site is the first install­ment of Tales from West 57th Avenue. There are many more sto­ries to tell and many more res­i­dents who might decide to write them.